A suspect randomly walks into a client’s construction project

April 27th, 2020 | By SentriForce

Our Central Station engages the suspect with audible sirens and local law enforcement was dispatched.

What was the suspect’s intentions? It does not matter.

A construction site has standard operating hours and if activity occurs outside of the authorized time frame, SentriForce reacts.

Our goal is to prevent, deter, and stop any individuals from setting foot on your construction property outside of the authorized times.

Our motto is “Your Property, Our Focus”, as in we do our best to actively deter and intervene when your site is in danger of theft and vandalism.

To help you reduce loss and mitigate risk at your construction site.

Our video as a service approach reduces cost to you while increasing reliability, so you can stay focused on what matters – Your business.

For more information about video surveillance and live video monitoring services for your construction site, contact SentriForce.

Combining industry leading technology with our Texas-based and owned monitoring facility to help you and your team reduce loss and mitigate risk.

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