Alarms vs. Managed Video Surveillance

February 11th, 2022 | By SentriForce
Alarms vs. Managed Video Surveillance

Most business owners in retail and construction industries only think about security in terms of alarms. They believe that an alarm is the only way to keep their business safe and secure. However, a business alarm system alternative is available, including managed video surveillance systems.

A managed video surveillance system offers a number of benefits that an alarm cannot provide. In this article, we will explore the differences between alarms and managed video surveillance systems. We’ll also cover why a business should choose a managed system over just an alarm.


Basic Alarm Systems are Highly Outdated for Businesses

The first reason why a business should choose a managed video surveillance system is that basic alarm systems are highly outdated. They are no longer effective in protecting businesses from theft and vandalism. 

In fact, many business owners have found that their alarm system was not enough to deter criminals from breaking into their business.

In contrast, a managed video surveillance system can provide businesses with 24/7 coverage. Furthermore, a managed video surveillance system can be customized to meet the specific needs of each business. For example, some businesses may need more cameras than others, or they may need certain areas of the property monitored more closely. A managed video surveillance system can accommodate all of these needs.

Basic Alarm Systems

Alarms are Ineffective at Deterring Crime

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because alarms are ineffective at deterring crime. This is because most criminals know how to disable alarms before breaking into a business.

In contrast, a managed video surveillance system can record all activity that occurs on the property. This means that if there is ever a break-in or vandalism, the business has footage of the incident and can help identify the criminal and prosecute them accordingly.


Managed Video Surveillance Systems are Cost-Effective

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because they are cost-effective. Alarms can be expensive to install and maintain, while a managed video surveillance system is more affordable.

Additionally, a business can often receive discounts on their insurance premiums if a managed video surveillance system is in place. This is because the insurance company knows that the business is taking the right steps to protect its property.


Managed Video Surveillance Systems Use Strobe Lights and Sirens

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because they use strobe lights and sirens. These features can help to scare away criminals and deter them from breaking into the business.

In contrast, alarms do not have these features and are not as effective at preventing crime.

security alarm strobe light


Managed Video Surveillance Systems Are Easy to Use

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because they are easy to use. Alarms can be confusing for business owners to operate, while a managed video surveillance system is user-friendly.

This means that business owners will not have any trouble using the system or understanding its functionality. These systems are managed by the service provider, meaning you won’t have to spend time updating them. 


Managed Video Surveillance Systems Record Evidence of Crimes

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm to record evidence of crimes. If there’s ever a break-in or vandalism, the business has footage of the incident. This can help to identify the criminal and prosecute them accordingly.

In contrast, alarms do not have this feature and are not as effective at preventing crime.


Managed Video Surveillance Systems Can Contact Law Enforcement

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because it can contact law enforcement. This means that if there is ever a crime on the property, the business can contact law enforcement and they will respond promptly.

In contrast, alarms cannot contact law enforcement, and business owners must take care of this themselves.


Alarms are Annoying and Can Distract Employees

A business should choose a managed video surveillance system over an alarm because they are annoying and can distract employees. When an alarm goes off, it can cause confusion and chaos.

This can lead to employees not being able to do their jobs properly because the sound of an alarm can be very loud and disruptive.


Business Alarms are Unreliable

Another reason why a business should choose a managed video surveillance system is that business alarms are unreliable. Alarms may not go off when there is an intruder on the property.

This can lead to business owners being robbed or attacked without any warning. In contrast, managed video surveillance systems are very reliable and will always record footage of any activity that occurs on the property.

How to Choose the Best Managed Video Surveillance System


How to Choose the Best Managed Video Surveillance System

Now that you know how a managed video surveillance system supersedes a commercial alarm system, you can now request a quote for a service tailored to your needs.


Always Check Reviews:

The best way to determine if a product is good or not is by reading reviews. This will give you an idea of what people liked and didn’t like about the service.


Get a Quote from Multiple Companies:

Once you’ve determined which service you’re interested in, it’s time to get quotes from multiple companies. This will help you compare prices and features to find the best one for your business.


Ask Questions to Clarify Details:

When speaking with a sales representative, be sure to ask questions so that you understand all of the details about the service. Such questions include how often the system will be monitored.


Make Sure the System Fits Your Needs:

Next, make sure that the managed video surveillance system you choose fits your needs. Make sure it has features that are important to you and that it’s affordable.


Get a Recommendation:

If you’re still not sure which product to choose, ask a friend or family member for a recommendation. They may have had a good experience with a certain company and be able to recommend the perfect system for your business.


Do Your Research:

Finally, do your own research to make sure that you’re making the best decision for your business. This will involve reading articles, watching videos, and speaking with other business owners who have chosen a managed video surveillance system.


Request a Quote Today!

Have you decided that this business alarm system alternative is right for you? If so, we’d love to speak with you. To learn more about our Sentri-Force video surveillance systems, request a quote today.

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