Apartment Community - Risks

February 3rd, 2020 | By SentriForce

Apartment community security

In an apartment community, it is important to maintain a sense of well-being for your current residents and potential tenants. It is also important to hold the community accountable, sadly, not all residents are good-mannered citizens. Without proper planning precautions and systems in place, incidents will become more frequent and your property incur more costs, negative N.O.I, and vacant units. Below are some essential tips to improve the security of your apartment community. Take control, before you lose control.

Essential tips to improve the security of your apartment community

1. Access control – We recommend having access control to common areas such as gate entrances, club houses, recreational rooms, laundry facilities, fitness centers, and swimming pools. It is important to be able to tie an event back to a person or persons.

2. Sufficient lighting – Bright light deters crime, but not all of it. Thieves rely on areas of poor visibility to avoid being seen. Potential criminals are more likely to act out if there is not enough light. Illuminating areas throughout the community also provides residents with a peace of mind.

3. Background checks – Screening your current residents and new tenants; bad residents naturally affect the community in a negative way such as causing problems for neighbors, attract crime, and other related issues. Choose your tenants wisely.

4. Security Cameras – With security cameras, you will be able to provide evidentiary material that can help assist and protect you. Catching suspects in their act will relinquish from them any chance they have of squirreling out of their wrong doing. Video evidence can also help hasten police investigations leading up to the arrest of the suspect.

5. License Plate Recognition Cameras – No access control? No problem. Consider license plate recognition cameras as an alternative solution or supplement. All vehicles can be tied to an owner. In our experience, most incidents that take place does involve a vehicle present.

For more information about video surveillance for your apartment community, contact SentriForce. Combining industry leading technology with our Texas-based and owned monitoring facility to help you and your team reduce loss and mitigate risk.

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