Surveillance Cameras Captures Gun Duel in Apartment Community
On August 28, 2020, at 1:26 PM a white sedan was observed entering onto an apartment community and parked.
An individual in a red shirt is seen exiting the white sedan.
Moments later an individual in a black shirt, from the apartment community across the street, is seen crossing the street.
The two individuals approached each other, both with handguns drawn.
As they get closer, the individual in the red shirt is seen taking off into a sprint towards the opposing party and begins firing several rounds.
The black shirt individual immediately shoots back a few times and runs across the street.
The red shirt individual is seen walking into the apartment building and the black shirt individual is seen entering another apartment community.
This footage has been handed over to law enforcement to assist in the investigation.
Apartment community video surveillance is highly recommended as it can not only help deter criminal activity like theft and vandalism, but also assist law enforcement in investigations.
Law enforcement will be able to investigate more effectively, locate suspects, and make arrests when more evidence and information is provided.
With SentriForce managed video surveillance, you will have access to a dedicated video investigation team that can provide you and law enforcement the needed evidence and information.
Your time matters to us at SentriForce and our managed video surveillance as a service platform puts the burden on us to retrieve any video incident, freeing you up to continue your daily business.
Finding the correct time and event while correlating any related footage is all included in our services. For more information about managed video surveillance for your apartment community, contact SentriForce today.
Combining industry leading technology to help you and your team reduce loss and mitigate risk.
For more information about our Apartment Community Surveillance services, contact us today.