You Have Questions on damage to your construction project? We Have Answers.

July 27th, 2020 | By SentriForce

The Request

A construction project manager sent in a video investigation request to our Video Retrieval Team to determine the cause of a mangled gate and fence at their construction site.

This damage left the property unable to secure the perimeter at days end, leaving it vulnerable.

The project manager also was not aware of an exact time frame of when the incident occurred, other than “It happened sometime yesterday.” 

The Answers

With not much to go on, the video retrieval team promptly went to work, scouring hours of footage. Utilizing a combination of analytics, observation and hard work, they were able to provide the project manager the answers they seeked.

With this illuminating information, the project manager could recover money to repair the temporary fencing and properly secure his construction site.

We have a dedicated video retrieval team that focuses on forensic video investigations and incident management to provide clients with answers whenever they have questions, all at no additional cost to our client.  

This is an included service when you use SentriForce to manage and provide video surveillance solutions.

For more information about video surveillance and live video monitoring services for your construction site, contact SentriForce.

Combining industry leading technology with our Texas-based and owned monitoring facility to help you and your team reduce loss and mitigate risk.

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